Wednesday, September 2, 2015

#HumpDayHaiku in Serendipitous September

September 2nd:

Socal has been experiencing a heat wave for a few weeks. It's finally starting to cool down and has even been overcast for a few days. Here's my version of a "rain dance" plea:

Bring on some showers!

And because I'm a bit of a Nerd, I drew the moon to reflect its phase tonight: a waning gibbous.  ðŸŒ–

September 9th:

Today is Teddy Bear Day! I was thinking about what to draw for this week's #humpdayhaiku when I remembered this art exhibit I saw in San Diego in 2009. The. 1000 Teddies project. Philipp Jordan is the German artist that created it and I thought I'd pay tribute to him for it since you'll see that I borrowed his idea, just in a different medium. Looks like he has a new project on display:

In any case, I took a couple dozen pictures and decided to use that as the basis of my haiku since it's Teddy Bear Day.

Here's a photo from that exhibit:

And here's my haiku:

September 16th:

I'm a self proclaimed sunset chaser.  I go to the beach to catch the sunset as often as I can. Lately the waves have been huge, and surfers are out on droves. They inspired this week's #humpdayhaiku

September 23rd:

The heat wave has yet to subside but it's officially the first day of fall! Here's hoping that we get some cooler weather soon.

September 30th:

Beantown is my home away from home after I spent two short years here during grad school at BU.

Here I attempted to merge a few of Boston's icons, the Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge and the Public Garden ducks.

I could probably write a ton of haikus for this city, because it's awesome and there is so much to it!


  1. I'm sorry about the heatwave that you've been experiencing. We - NorCal - have been experiencing much the similar heatwave, albeit less intense. I like how your work shows the lightning that discharges and equalizes. Really cool.

    I, also, like to go to the beach to watch the sunset as much as possible. It is a huge bummer though that sometimes on an extremely hot day the marine layer rushes in to usurp the sun's ability to put on a show.

    1. Yeah, my sunchasing abilities would be greatly tested if I were racing against the marine layer up there! This weather has been a bit crazy lately, hasn't it? The humidity is definitely out of the ordinary and reminds me of the weather in Boston.
