Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Inktober 2017: Week 4

Day 22: Carve

Day 23: Demon

 Day 24: Abandon

Day 25: Tower

Day 26: Cursed

Day 27: Mist

Day 28: Bones

Day 29: Rotten
Augie Doggie as Franken Augie with rotten teeth! 

Day 30: Shriek

Day 31: Crypt

Monday, October 30, 2017

Inktober 2017: Week 3

This set of drawings is #Snoopyinspired

Day 15: Candlelight

Day 16: Voodoo

Day 17: Sunken

Day 18: Witch

Day 19: Mystical

Day 20: Vampire

Day 21: Spell

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Inktober 2017: Week 1

I've been a bit un-kreative this year, so I decided to dust off my sketching pencils and dig out my drawing pads, since I'm mostly done unpacking from my move earlier in the year to do an alternative Inktober list!

This list comes from @kristerpelly and @monsterteaparty of instagram.

A few years ago, I followed their list and added on a minion theme:

I had a lot of fun and saw that the more I drew, the easier it was to find ways to challenge myself.

I'm as rusty as nails now, but it's all good! This is just for fun and for your enjoyment!

For now, I'm thinking week 1 will be Calvin and Hobbes themed. I'm going to switch to another character next week and will do so again each week using the themes above. I hope you'll follow in my journey and take a look when you get a chance. I'll be posting them here as I go through, but you can always check out @adventuresinkreativitee on instagram if you want to see them first!

Day 1: Creak - Good old Hobbes just checking in on Calvin in the middle of the night...

Day 2: Peculiar - After finishing all the "good" stuff, only the veggies remain. Calvin tries to feign confusion.

Day 3: Brain - Calvin and Hobbes were arguing about whose brain is bigger...

 Day 4: Adrift - Just drifting along.

Day 5: Dusty - Calvin is pretending to try out his Halloween costume idea of being Pigpen from Peanuts.

Day 6: Midnight - They tried but couldn't stay up until midnight.

 Day 7: Swamp - Hoping not to fall in!