Thursday, November 29, 2018

HumpDayHaikus in Notorious November

I may not have been keeping up on the blog posts, but the adventuresinkreativitee instagram account is going strong!

I was in Europe earlier in the month, which resulted in a few more pictures than drawings. It's honestly about the average anyway, so it's unlikely anyone noticed a difference. :)

The SO and I spend Thanksgiving Day in Frankfurt, Germany and had sauerkraut, sausages and mashed potatoes for our T-Day meal. When we got back the bf decided he wanted an actual turkey, so we had our Turkey Day a few days ago with some good friends. Personally, I'm thankful for my family, friends, and good health to name a few. Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season ahead!

07Nov2018: San Diego and some awesome fall skies

14Nov2018: Ludwigshafen, Germany and the lovely Parkinsel Park

21Nov2018: Paris, France and the Eiffel Tower

28Nov2018: My cousin's freckled-nosed cat

Thursday, November 1, 2018

HumpDayHaiku in Oblivious October

Holy Cow! I forgot to post in October, my bad.

The month flew by like nothing, didn't it? Since the month is now over, I know that I didn't get a chance to do too much art work, but hey, I still got a few months before this year is over to get a few more in there, right?

03Oct2018: Optimism is the game

10Oct2018: Cloudy with a chance of sun!

17Oct2018: Not holding back

24Oct2018: Appreciation

31Oct2018: Halloween!!!
So I had to do a #throwback to my old minion characters. It's been so long since I drew them (3 years!) but they still hold a place in my imagination and heart. Gotta love characters that make you feel like a kid again!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

HumpDaiHaikus in Stupendous September!

I have said it a few times now... HOLY COW is this year flying by!

It's so odd that when I was young, (like childhood young), the years seem to drag on for what seemed like forever. These days, I seem to blink and another month has gone by, or my friend's kid has grown into a young adult.

The nice thing about that is that I've known most of my friends for a really long time now. To the point where their kids are as old as I was when I first met them. (Holy moly!)

Anyway, to more haikus!

05Sep18: Not finding Nemo (or Dori!)

My friend Rosalinda wants to have a paint nite with her daughters and wants to have an ocean theme. Since I was sketching underwater animals anyway, I decided to use that to my advantage for this week's haiku. Also, turtles... they are just too cute.

12Sep18: Owl in a forest

One of my good friends, Erica took me to Pinot's Palette for my birthday. She's kinda my paint n sip buddy, as the only other time I went a few years ago was with her. :) Good times. :)

19Sep18: Bonsai in the Night

During that Pinot's Palette excursion, I took some inspiration from what was hanging on the ways, which led to the creation of this paintingku. To be totally honest, I was touching up the painting above and saw that I had a ton of paint left, and just started painting the background with the excess color. Once acrylic dries, it's useless, so I wanted to make the most out of it. It was a creative, leisurely Saturday afternoon. 

I have to say, whoever thought of the paint n sip concept is brilliant and misleading. After a few of those, one can start feeling like painting isn't so hard after all. haha! One thing is for sure, it is FUN!

26Sep18: Starry Night over Coronado in San Diego, CA

I painted this a few years ago. My thought at the time was to paint Starry Nights in the skies for a few of places I've lived, namely, Boston and Santa Barbara (if I can determine the skyline that really speaks to me). I have not started those yet, but who knows when inspiration sparks!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

HumpDayHaiku in Amusive August

I don't know about you, but this year has gone by in a blip! How can it already be August!?

01Aug2018: I had lunch with some friends in Ocean Beach and had to take advantage of being there. It's such a pretty place and I discovered OB Garden Cafe (click link for my review) had some excellent vegan lasagna.

08Aug2018: Torrey Pines never disappoints. Well, unless it's super hot out and I forgot water. No coverage on this hike but the scenery is beautiful.

Some happy news to share is that my cousin had her 2nd baby too! So excited to meet her!

15Aug2018: This was taken at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa. I loved this park. Glad to have enjoyed it while I lived there.

22Aug2018: what can I say? I was feeling rainbow hearts.

29Aug2018: On the 101 near Big Surand Monterey. Just gorgeous!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

HumpDayHaikus in Jocose July

Yay! I've been able to hit all the haikus so far this year! It helps that I allowed myself to use pictures that I've taken. I hope to get a few more drawings in there, though I have several paintings that I am working on (or thinking about working on! LOL)

Happy 4th of July!

11Jul2018: I've been painting a bit lately. I have 2 huge canvases (30"x 40" and 36"x 48") that I'll be working on relatively soon too! I got a request to paint stuff involving fruit. So here we go!

18Jul2018: Work in Progress... I need to finish the sky on this one, so I'm almost there. Should finish it by the end of the week, but we'll see.

25Jul2018: Torrey Pines is a beautiful place. One of the best (and easiest) hikes in San Diego, with amazing views.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jazzy June HumpDayHaikus

I may say this a lot, but holy cow, it's already June! (And as I'm writing this, it's the day before mid-June!)

Back in 2015, I went all out on the haikus and stretched myself by drawing every week. This year, I've cheated a bit and have been using photos that I've been taking with my phone. I always have my phone. But I also have a nice starter DSLR that's just sitting there... taunting me...

I also have my keyboard that's still wrapped up from when I moved here a few months ago... And recently the bf bought me two huge canvases (30"x40" and 36"x48") that I'm working on too. During our move, I uncovered my REALLY old scrapbooking supplies (circa early to mid-2000s) that I feel like I should at a minimum, slap in the already printed pictures in.

Ok, I'm rambling... this post is supposed to be about haikus!

06Jun2018: June Gloom at full force at Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach, CA

13Jun2018: During the sailing trip, we several lighthouses. Who doesn't love lighthouses? I drew a lighthouse back in 2015, too (see it here) but there is just something about them!

20Jun2018: Rose Canyon Hiking Trail

27Jun2018: Sea life

Thursday, May 10, 2018

HumpDayHaiku in May Gray!

This month will be all "photokus". Over the next few weeks, I'm heading on an east coast sailing trip, that won't allow me to bring any colored pencils, crayons or markers. But, hopefully in June, I can draw for most of that month instead!

02May2018: Beach Sunsets

09May2018: Perspective

16May2018: Opportunity

23May2018: Chasing dreams

30May2018: View from a boat

Thursday, April 5, 2018

HumpDayHaiku in Auspicious April

Is it just me or is this year flying by?

04 Apr 2018: Sunset chasing

11 Apr 2018: Roadtrip!

We went to Mammoth this last weekend. It's spring conditions and this year is the first time since I've been there that I've ever seen so little snow. I can't say it looks that much different from when we were here in February, BUT, man, is this a beautiful place.

18 Apr 2018: ocean view
So it's tax day, take 2! Glad I finished yesterday!

I've been to Torrey Pines State Reserve 4 of the past 7 days. How blessed can a girl get?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

HumpDayHaikus in Merry March

Holy cow this year is flying by! Funny how the time was snail-like when I was growing up, but as an adult, living in SoCal, days blend together since we don't really have seasons. I'm not complaining though! I don't mind visiting snow, but I moved back from Boston for a reason...

07 Mar 2018: Flying High

14 Mar 2018: Dog Beach
Who doesn't love dogs
frolicking in the sand and
chasing each other?

I mean, seriously, it's so awesome to watch! This photo I took a few years ago and it's still one of my favorites.

21 Mar 2018: Spring

28 Mar 2018: Dreams

This one was truly a miracle for me to pull off. I've been packing and cleaning and moving this last month but this week was crunch time. We just finished cleaning the old apartment and got home a little after 9pm last night. I definitely didn't expect to draw anything but I'm pretty happy with this, considering I finished it in under a half an hour.

In the next few weeks or so, I'm going to take my time with one of these!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hump Day Haikus in Fabulous February

So far I'm still on track to do the haiku thing each week! I have been using pictures more often, but I'll get back to drawing soon.

07 Feb 2018: Ocean Sunsets

The winter Olympics are on right now. Yeah, yeah, it's Valentine's Day too, but I'm more interested in the Olympics, so that is my theme for the week. I just got back from Mammoth so that also inspired this week's haiku.

14 Feb 2018: Winter Olympics

21 Feb 2018: Ice Skating penguins

So the Olympics are still going on and these athletes are so inspiring! Did you hear about Ester Ledecka and her gold medals in both skiing and snowboarding?! Winning a gold medal in your non-dominant sport... what a badass! (Sorry for the language kids!) Chloe Kim makes the halfpipe look like nothing. I digress...

A few years ago I did a haiku about snowboarding so I decided to go for ice skating...

28 Feb 2018: Starry Night

Who doesn't love the Starry Night painting? My friend created a 3D version of it out of lab supplies and it was so good. Just good. So much better than what I drew, but I'm working on it.

Fred Zhang's 3D version of Starry Night with lab supplies:

By Fred Zhang

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Super blue, red, blood, full moon and full lunar eclipse a lot!

So yesterday morning there was a Super Blue Moon Eclipse which is much more succinct than my rendition of the phenomenon. Luckily, I live in an area where I had a great view and the clouds were in alignment too!

Earlier in the day, there was a spectacular sunset. I'm going to refer you to a few of someone else's photos since I didn't make it out there for this one, even though I saw the beautiful clouds from where I was at too.

The first is from the Instagram account @itsadogslife5 and is a still of the video from the gorgeous sunset. I've been following him and his dog Rocket for a while now and he's got one of my favorite accounts.

Rocket is an adorable pup that likes to chase the Coaster and Amtrak trains  as they pass along the beach. He's adequately named, because when he spots one, he just takes off just like a rocket and when he shows that train who's boss, he trots back. On one of the posts, someone actually wrote a short story inspired by him.

The next account I am in awe of is @silvergirl619. Her account is a new discovery. Her photos of sunsets put mine to shame! But it's something for me to aspire to. :)

Somehow she manages to capture all the colors of the rainbow in some of her pics. It's truly breathtaking. Definitely check them out if you are on instagram! You won't be disappointed. Unless you are weird and hate pretty pictures!

I took a few pictures with my phone during the day. It was overcast for most of the morning and even in the afternoon, clouds were visible for as far as I could see. I didn't really fret about it because I wasn't sure if the supermoon/lunar eclipse was happening that night or the night after. Even after I confirmed the date, I just set my alarm and went about my business.

This pic isn't as intresting as those above, but you can see that clear skies weren't guaranteed.

By the time the early morning came, all the clouds were gone, leaving a clear sky and a perfect view of the eclipse. Many pictures were taken. Many, many, many were taken. And these are the best ones of the bunch. :)

Only a few people were up to catch this as well. I saw a few guys jogging and thought, "Woah, are they dedicated!!" After all it was around 5am, pitch black and about 50F out. The earliest I have ever been up for exercise is 6am boot camp. That was great and brutal all at the same time. Anyway, I digress.
We took a few in the parking lot, then we headed to the parks that are nearby, hoping that there would be less light.

After taking probably 30 to 40 shots, these are the best ones that were in focus. Yay for the 2 second delay and tripod that allowed for this to happen!

If you look closely enough, you may see some tree branches.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

#HumpDayHaiku in Jocund January

It's a new year and I've neglected my "kreativitee" for a while. I've decided to resurrect the #humpdayhaiku project with a small twist. There will be a mix of sketches and photos that will accompany the poems. By a miracle, there might be some paintings too! Thanks for stopping by!

03 Jan 2018: Sandpipers

10 Jan 2018: Rainy day

17 Jan 2018: Tree, growth, scars

24 Jan 2018: Pirate robot zombie ninja

31 Jan 2018: Ocean waves